Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Audience Response: Red Without Blue

The film itself was very personal and dug so deeply into the twins' lives that it felt like a gift being allowed into their world -- and they didnt tell the story like they were experts, they felt honest and real and completely unpretentious. Not only was it a trans story, but it became a universal story as it went on, in the interviews with the parents and all of the archival home movies and photos, that touched everyone.

Iit became a story everyone could relate to about growing up, the relationship between parents and children, how you choose the life you want to lead for yourself, becoming the person you want to be and are comfortable being... it transcends boundaries that people like to put up between themselves and shows that we are all in the same world together, no matter how different we are or like to think we are, there are so many comonalities that bring us together. the support to be found in those simmilarities can be universally comforting if we just open ourselves up to it.

Many thanks to audience member Liz for sending in her response to the screening!

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